Senior Researcher
Research Group
Social, Economic, and Political Dynamics
Ciência ID
Edite Martins Alberto holds a PhD degree in Early Modern History (Universidade do Minho, Portugal, 2011) and a master¿s degree in Discoveries and Modern Portuguese History (NOVA FCSH, Portugal, 1994). Integrated researcher since 2012 at the CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, a research unit of the NOVA FCSH and Universidade dos Açores. Currently, coordinator and principal investigator of the project MOVING CITY - Cities made for war: a European army in late Sixteenth-Century Morocco (EXPL/HAR-HIS/1521/2021), supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Collaborated in research projects related to the study of the Portuguese presence in Morocco in the XVI to XVIII centuries (NOVA FCSH and UMinho), history of board games in Portugal (FC ULisboa), marks of science and technology in Lisbon city (FC ULisboa) and, lately, in the project LxConventos - Lisbon Religious Houses: From the sacred city to secular city (IHA, NOVA FCSH, ANTT and CMLisboa). Currently, works at the Cultural Heritage Studies in Lisbon Municipality´s Cultural Department where is one of the coordinators of the project All Saints Royal Hospital: The city and the public health in Early Modern times and, in recent times, has developed studies on plague outbreaks in the history of Lisbon. She has experience as a researcher in cultural heritage, cultural dissemination and in the history of Lisbon and Portugal, with various publications and presentations in national and international scientific conferences.
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