Conference 09.05.2016 to 11.05.2016
«Sources to study Antiquity: from texts to material culture»
May 9 | FCSH/NOVA - ID Building Room Multiusos 3 (4th floor)
May 10-11 | FCSH/NOVA - Tower B, Auditorium 1 (1st floor)



The research group Antiguidade e a sua Recepção / Antiquity and its reception is organizing a conference under the theme: «Sources to study Antiquity: from texts to material culture». It will be a scientific meeting featuring the participation of several researchers and keynote speakers such as Helen Strudwick (Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge), Nigel Strudwick (University of Cambridge), Juan Luis Montero Fenollós (Universidade da Coruña) and Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Pultusk Academy of Humanities).

The conference will address Antiquity’s different chronologies, including Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Hellenistc and Roman worlds. The aim is to cover a vast historical and cultural horizon, which will allow us to consider the different sources underlying the historical narrative – archaeological, iconographic and textual sources, among others – highlighting their specificities and complementarities.

The construction of an image of the Orient and of Antiquity, which derived from the reading of classical authors, the Bible and travel reports through Asia, proved to be important in the construction of European identity and in the way we see the other. Thus, the conference also focuses on the Reception of Antiquity, on the way Antiquity was received, understood and integrated in other periods.

Free Admission | In order to register please send an e-mail to 


Organization Committee

 Diogo Paiva (CHAM)
 Filipe Soares (CHAM)
 Guilherme Borges Pires (CHAM)
 Maria de Fátima Rosa (CHAM)

Scientific Committee

 Francisco Caramelo (CHAM)
 Helena Trindade Lopes (CHAM)
 Isabel Gomes de Almeida (CHAM)
 Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (CHAM)
 Leonor Santa Bárbara (CHAM)
 Maria de Fátima Rosa (CHAM)
 Ronaldo G. Gurgel Pereira (CHAM)



Livro de Abstracts(Web)