CHAM TALKS22.04.2024
Acting Differently at NOVA (ADN) Award
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


The «CHAM Talks, a podcast for listening to science» received  the Acting Differently at NOVA (ADN) Award in the 'Other' category. It received an honorable mention in the global award.This project features interviews with researchers from CHAM on topics related to their work and, in many cases, their connection to contemporary society. The team coordinated by Isabel Araújo Branco includes faculty, researchers, science managers, students, and staff from NOVA FCSH, composed of the following members: Alina Baldé, Beatriz Freitas, Carla Veloso, Henrique Duarte, Isabel Gomes de Almeida, Joana Rodrigues, José Alberto Catalão, Luís Reis, Maria Clara Leal, Paulo Antunes, and Teresa Lacerda.


Acting Differently at NOVA (ADN) Award