CHAM TALKS24.05.2024
Heritage, Preservation, and Its Uses in the Present, by Carla Alferes Pinto


Heritage, Preservation, and Its Uses in the Present, by Carla Alferes Pinto


Is heritage a concept that we all understand? Carla Alferes Pinto explains that, from a traditional perspective, "heritage" corresponds to something material that we have inherited from the past. However, today specialists also integrate other components, particularly those related to its use and importance in the present. It is, therefore, a cultural reconstruction of a canon, as highlighted by the researcher and professor, who also addresses the recovery of heritage and the various forms of preservation and conservation.


Carla Alferes Pinto is a Postdoctoral Researcher at CHAM, where she coordinates the thematic line "Heritage and Current Challenges" and chairs the Scientific Committee. She is a professor in the Department of History at NOVA FCSH and co-coordinates the Master's Program in Heritage. Holding a Ph.D. in Art History, she leads the VESTE project ("Dressing the Court: Costume, Gender, and Identity(ies)," funded by FCT) on the history and cultures of fashion in Portugal during the modern period. She is also a member of various research networks and projects, such as the UNESCO Chair "Oceans' Cultural Heritage" and the H2020 RISE CONCHA project "CONCHA: The construction of early modern global Cities and oceanic networks in the Atlantic: An approach via Ocean’s Cultural Heritage"

The interview is conducted by Isabel Araújo Branco.




Isabel Araújo Branco (CHAM)

