Code . ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000106
Start . 2019
Principal Investigator . Teresa Tiago (CEEAplA / UMA)
Funding Entity
Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional / União Europeia
Main Institutions
Centro de Estudos de Economia Aplicada do Atlântico / Universidade da Madeira
CHAM — Centro de Humanidades / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Universidade dos Açores
Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso / Universidade dos Açores
This project contributes to the promotion of Tourism in the Azores, throughout the valorization of the regional gastronomy and wines. Gastronomy heritage, as part of the intangible cultural heritage, is seen as a source for local initiatives and a factor in region differentiation and promotion. Highly cultural, gastronomic and wine heritage can be used as differentiation factors of the Azores offer, linking products from the primary and secondary sectors and culinary traditions to unique sensory and rational experiences in each of the nine islands, promoting a sustainable tourism growth.
The TASTE project aims to:
- The creation of a Gastronomic Island Guide, based on local food heritage, transcribing the historic food consumption of the archipelago and valuing local products and traditions;
- The establishment of a local food database (in dialogue with the primary and secondary sectors), with the availability of georeferenced information (source, travel and history of typical products);
- The disclosure of the Azorean gastronomy (traditional and current), linked to a profile of traditional recipes inspired by the Azorean cultural heritage;
- The promotion of cultural pieces of evidence (factories, equipment...) of the RAA that have and/or feature elements of Gastronomy and Wine (Wine Museum; ethnographic museums; regional wineries;
- The optimization of tourism in the Azores with a cultural offer based on authenticity and scientific theories of traditional cuisine, valuing the dining experience as an attractive element of the archipelago;
- Conducting workshops with national and international experts, the participation in national and international congresses and conferences and the publication of scientific papers and doctoral theses and master's degrees;
- The construction of a georeferenced menu for each product and recipe by locality or island, as appropriate, and the creation of a "book of recipes" that aggregates digitally regional gastronomy (valuing Marca Açores), cooking and food processing techniques, and all the respective equity framework, to be made available through electronic channels.
Teresa Tiago . Coordenator
Duarte Nuno Chaves (CHAM)
Flávio Tiago (CEEAplA / UMA)