Maritime and underwater archaeology of the coast of Oeiras municipality



Start . 2013

Duration . 37 months

Principal Investigator . José António Bettencourt (CHAM)


Funding Entity

Câmara Municipal de Oeiras


Main Research Unit

CHAM — Centro de Humanidades


Centro Português de Actividades Subaquáticas
Porto de Recreio de Oeiras


The importance of Oeiras is undoubtedly linked to navigation, above all as a strategic area of support and defence of the city of Lisbon. This coastal position left a vast historical-archaeological heritage over a broad chronology. For instance, the fortifications on the shore and the vestiges of nautical accidents related to the entrance into the inlet of Lisbon are to be highlighted. Among the underwater vestiges are the presumed remains of the ship Nossa Senhora dos Mártires from the Indian Route and other findings that have since been relocated or identified as part of an inventory of the underwater cultural heritage of São Julião da Barra.

In this way, this project intends to carry out research related to the municipality's maritime heritage and to identify areas with underwater archaeological potential with a view to their safeguarding and enhancement.

This project is part of the protocol established between the Municipality of Oeiras and FCSH, through CHAM and approved by the DGPC.



Its fundamental objectives focus on the research, protection, conservation and enhancement of the underwater archaeological heritage, in close partnership with the Centre for Archaeological Studies of the Municipality of Oeiras. As such, it is intended to:






José António Bettencourt . Coordenator