D. Jaime de Bragança: from Vila Viçosa to Azamor



Sent into Spanish exile by King John II while he was still a child, Jaime de Bragança returned to Portugal under King Manuel to become the first of the realm’s aristocrats, regent to his king, and a hero of the conquest of Azamor, which he paid for and personally lead. The duke was also the romantic murderer of his first wife, who was accused of adultery, a mystical of capuchin sympathies who wanted to take vows, and the architectural emulous of his king having built a palace to the image of that of the monarch.

Apparently we know a lot of Jaime. Appearances, however, are sometimes deceitful. Recent research about his son, Teodósio, points towards a reality that is more complex than that encapsulated by image of the gothic prince. This project will question those appearances, by analyzing in depth the biography of the duke, his political and patrimonial strategies, his cultural life, and his architectural choices materialized in various secular, military and religious buildings.


Start: 2013

Duration: 36 months

Principal InvestigatorNuno Senos (CHAM)




- Fundação da Casa de Bragança

Main Research Unit

- Centro de História d'Aquém e d'Além-Mar / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Universidade dos Açores