Code . PIPA/2022/S-08489
Start . 2022
Duração . 36 meses
Investigador Principal . João Muralha Cardoso (CHAM)
Funding Entities
Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Main Research Unit
CHAM — Centro de HumanidadesHost Institution
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade Nova de LisboaPartnerships
Fundação Côa-ParqueAssociação cultural, desportiva e recreativa de Freixo de Numão
ArqueoVento studies the communities of Recent Prehistory that moved in the landscape of the current Alto Douro and that "inscribed" in this landscape a set of marks (intentional or not), which today we are beginning to perceive and study; the lasting monumentalization of some archaeological sites, the almost invisibility of others, their variability of geomorphological implantations and their temporalities. This diversity would correspond to the specific creation of a territory, where a community identity seems to assert itself and the consolidation of the agro-pastoral process seems to be taking place.
The main goal of the project is to study, through archaeological excavation, what was Castanheiro do Vento; its architecture, the various types of occupation, its internal organization and its materialities. Through archaeological prospection, the aim is to study its relationship with the landscape, its territorial identity and its contacts with other communities.
Américo Araújo (FL/UC)
Ana Margarida Vale (CITCEM – FL/FP)
Sérgio Gomes (CEAACP – FL/UC)
Vítor Oliveira Jorge (IHC - NOVA FCSH)
Cláudia Costa (ICArEHB – UA)
Elin Figueiredo (CENIMAT/i3N – FCT NOVA)
João Pedro Veiga (CENIMAT/i3N – FCT NOVA)