Code . 2022.01486.PTDC
Start . 2023
Duration . 36 meses
Funding Entity
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Coordinating Institution
Universidade de Évora
CHAM — Centre for the Humanities
Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
The Holy Bodies project intends to draw attention to the corpi santi, a particular type of full-body reliquaries that was profusely sent to the Western Catholic countries after the discovery of the catacombs in Rome, to promote and strengthen religious practice, as they also constituted a sign of power and influence for those who ordered them. The project aims to establish comprehensive discussions on the impact these cult objects had on the art history, cultural atmosphere, and devotional practice in Portugal during Modern times, following different analytical methodologies from history to chemistry, and compare the Portuguese case studies with others worldwide, especially in Italy. The project comprises a multidisciplinary team of historians, art historians, conservator-restorers and chemists.
Teresa Ferreira (Laboratório Hércules-UÉ) . Coordinator
Eduarda Silva Vieira (CITAR - Escola das Artes UCP) . Co-coordinator
António Camões Gouveia (CHAM)