Daniel Melo


Senior Researcher   .   Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta



Research Group

Information, Reading, and Writing Forms






Ciência ID







Daniel Melo is an integrated researcher and coordinator of the Information, Reading and Forms of Writing research group at CHAM, and assistant professor at Universidade Aberta.

He holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History from ISCTE-IUL for his thesis A leitura pública no Portugal contemporâneo [Public Reading in Contemporary Portugal], which received the Victor de Sá Contemporary History Prize and was published by Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

His research areas are the history of reading, books and publishing, cultural policies, socio-cultural practices and representations, popular education, associativism and migrations.

He was a member of the Board of the Centre for the History of Culture (2010-15) and co-responsible for the Research Seminar on the History of Reading and Publishing (FCSH, 2011-14).

He coordinated a scientific project sponsored by the Gulbenkian Foundation and NOVA centred on the treatment, dissemination and study of the collection of the Romano Torres publishing house (2012-14). In addition to a book concerning key issues of the project (História e património da edição, CHAM and Húmus, 2015), the team produced texts about the publishing house, bibliographies, a dictionary of contributors and a repertoire of testimonies (see "Resources"/"Documentation" section of this website). For access the databases of its historical archives and bibliographic catalogue, see "Resources"/"Working Tools".

His latest works include "«Living normally»: everyday life under Salazarism" (European History Quarterly, 2022) and "The eudaimonia of the book in question: archaeology of contemporary forms of reading", in Formas de vida/ forms of life/ forme de vie (Editora Praxis-UBI, 2021), as well as co-editing the book Edición y circulación del libro en Iberoamérica desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (Ediciones Trea, 2020).

He currently coordinates the Portuguese section of the Portal Ibero-American Editors and Publishers (centuries XIX-XXI) – EDI-RED and the colloquium Livros de Viagens (2nd edition in 2024).



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