Ana Isabel Buescu


Senior Researcher  .  Associate Professor at NOVA FCSH



Research Group

Social, Economic, and Political Dynamics






Ciência ID






Ana Isabel Buescu has a degree in History (1981) and a PhD in Cultural History and Modern Mentalities (1996) from the NOVA FCSH, where she is an Assistant Professor in the History Department.

She is an Integrated researcher at CHAM and was editor of Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (1989-1995) and Chair of the Instituto Pluridisciplinar de História das Ideias (1995-1999) at NOVA FCSH.

Buescu was a member of the projects DIAITA: património alimentar da Lusofonia (2013-2018) and Books of Hours in Royal Libraries (2015-2018).

Her research interests include topics related to court culture, books and bookshops, the history of childhood and education, women's history and Medieval culture.

In addition to participating in and organising various scientific meetings and publishing articles and essays in journals and conference proceedings, she has published several books: O Milagre de Ourique e a História de Portugal de Alexandre Herculano. Uma Polémica Oitocentista (1987), Imagens do Príncipe. Discurso Normativo e Representação (1525-1549) (1996), Memória e Poder. Ensaios de História Cultural (séculos XV-XVIII) (2000), D. João III (1502-1557) (2005), Catarina de Áustria. Infanta de Tordesilhas, Rainha de Portugal (2007), Na Corte dos Reis de Portugal. Saberes, ritos e memórias. Estudos sobre o séc. XVI (2010), A livraria renascentista de D. Teodósio I, duque de Bragança (2016), D. Beatriz de Portugal (1504-1538): a infanta esquecida (2019), e em colaboração, coordenou a edição O Corpo e o Gesto na Civilização Medieval (2006), História e Ciência da Catástrofe - 250.º Aniversário do terramoto de 1755 (2007) and A Mesa dos Reis de Portugal (2011).



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