Fabio Tononi



Junior Researcher  .  Postdoctoral fellow  .  CHAM


Research Group

Early Modern and Contemporary Thought





Ciência ID






Fabio Tononi is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCHS) of NOVA University of Lisbon. He teaches philosophy at the Luís Krus Centre – Lifelong Learning in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH) of NOVA University of Lisbon. Tononi is Principal Investigator (PI) of an exploratory project titled IMCS – Imagination and Memory at the Intersection of Culture and Science (2023–2025), funded by CHAM. He is co-founder and co- editor-in-chief of the Edgar Wind Journal (ISSN 2785-2903), and a member of the Steering Committee of the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory at the Institute of Modern Languages Research, which is part of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London. His research interests include the relationship between art and cognitive neuroscience (specifically as they relate to emotion, empathy, imagination, memory, movement, and the unfinished); the writings of Aby Warburg and Edgar Wind; the essence and tasks of philosophy and science; the interconnection between art and ideology; the concepts of modernism, postmodernism, and hyperculture; Sophocles’ three Theban plays; and poetry. During his PhD, Tononi led the Aby Warburg Reading Group and Seminar at the Italian Cultural Institute in London (2020), the Seminar on Freedom and Free Will at the Warburg Institute of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London (2019–2020), and the Erasmus and Luther on Free Will Seminar at the Warburg Institute (2018–2019). In 2021, Tononi received a PhD from the Warburg Institute. In 2016, he obtained an M.A. in Art History, Curatorship and Renaissance Culture from the Warburg Institute in collaboration with the National Gallery of London. In 2013, he received an M.A. in Art History from the University of Florence. In 2010, he obtained a B.A. in Art History at the University of Parma. Since 2017, Tononi has been taking part in the masterclasses of the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek at the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. In 2012, he completed an internship at Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence. During his career, Tononi has co-organised two conferences, chaired twelve panels, and participated in more than forty conferences and seminars in Europe and the United States. His publications include: Edgar Wind: Art and Embodiment, ed. by Jaynie Anderson, Bernardino Branca and Fabio Tononi (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2024), XXIV, 408 Pages, 49 fig. col., 30 fig. b/w.; and ‘Ernst Gombrich and the Concept of “Ill-Defined Area”: Perception and Filling-In’, Journal of Art Historiography, 29: 2 (2023), pp. 1–27.


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