Early Modern and Contemporary Thought




This group aims at fostering the continuity of the work carried out by independent teams with defined and well-established research focuses, as well as welcoming new individual or shared interests in specific knowledge objects, with generic affinities. The teams that have already been set up - with their own coordination, composition, evolution and conditions - include those dedicated to the history of sciences in Early Modern Age, to the conceptual and doctrinal controversies of the 17th and 18th centuries, to the relation between medical and philosophical knowledge in modern times, to the colonial press and to awareness of Portuguese cultural and political life as it was reflected in the magazines of ideas and culture of the 20th century.

Mindful attention is paid to conceptual conjugations and mutations, to opening spaces of disciplinary intersection, to the relations and resonances between philosophy, science, culture, and politics, often based on the re-evaluation of sources and even on their careful republishing. This constitutes the epistemological and methodological disposition in which the different scientific interests find common grounds and weave networks of concrete affinities. 

The changes intrinsic to the passage from analogue models to computational paradigms and practices, both in a broad sense and in the scope of Digital Humanities, are also a matter of common reflection.



Photo by Steve Johnson




Luís Andrade


Adelino Cardoso


Hervé Baudry
Representative of the Permanent Committee for Scientific Committee