João Costa


Senior Researcher



Research Group

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Researcher at CHAM / NOVA and CEH-NOVA. PhD in Medieval History by NOVA / FCSH (2016), with the thesis Palmela. O Espaço e as Gentes (séculos XII-XVI).
Research assistant in several international projects: Sugar in Rough Waters: New Christians and Jews. Brazil, Portugal and Holland and the sugar trade – 1595-1618 (2010-2011), Portugal in the Sea of Oman (2008-2017); and Portugal and UAE. Then and now (2017).
Research has focused mainly, for the medieval period, in the territory of the Setubal peninsula (Palmela, Sesimbra and Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo) and, on the Modern period, in the near-East (Arabian Peninsula and Gulf).
Currently responsible for the research projects: Mercy House of Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo, from its origins to the implantation of the Republic (promoter: Misericórdia de Montijo); Inventory of Archival Sources for the History of Loulé (promoting entity: Câmara Municipal de Loulé). Researcher of the National Library and Archives of Abu Dhabi, in the scope of historical research on the History of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula (since 2020), and responsible for the AGDA project in Portugal (2024-2026).
Coordinator for the PRR project in the Portuguese National Library: description of the BNP collections (2024-2025).
Former assistant professor responsible for the long-term class, “Forging the Portuguese Kingdom and Empire. The Medieval and Modern Ribatejo (12th-18th centuries)”, at NOVA FCSH (Lisbon).
Books already published: Os Forais de Setúbal - 1249 | 1514 (2015); A Misericórdia de Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo. 1571-1910, vol. I, Montijo, Santa Casa da Misericórdia (2020); Lagoa (Algarve) nos Arquivos e Bibliotecas Portugueses (2022).



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