Patrícia Santos Hansen


Postdoctoral Researcher . Research Fellow . Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Research Group

Information, Reading, and Writing Forms







Ciência ID






Principal Researcher (FCT CEEC) at the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM), FCSH, Nova University of Lisbon. She is currently undertaking the project Women intellectuals and cultural mediators in Portugal and Brazil. The case of Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho (1847-1921), with the support of FCT (CEECIND/04226/2022). She holds a BA and a MA in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and a PhD in Social History from the University of São Paulo (USP). She held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil (CPDOC) with funding from CAPES/FAPERJ (E-26/102.381/2010) and at the Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa with a senior postdoctoral fellowship from FAPERJ (E-26/201.968/2015). She was Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (DFRH/WIIA/66/2011) and invited researcher at ICS (SFRH / BI /5213/ 2013). In 2017 she was awarded the Sergio Buarque de Holanda prize from the National Library of Brazil for the book Intelectuais mediadores. Práticas culturais e ação política (Mediating Intellectuals. Cultural Practices and Political Action). She is interested in the following areas: Women's Intellectual History, Children's Literature, History of Books and Reading, Intellectuals, Identities and Cultural Mediations, and Historiography.



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