Vlad Dobroiu


Researcher . PhD fellow . CHAM


Research Group

Transcultural, Literary, and Postcolonial Studies







Ciência ID







Junior Researcher and Certified Translator (English, French, Portuguese, and Romanian); after a B.A. in language and literature (English and French), an M.A. in intercultural studies, and two postgraduate programs in didactics and psycho-pedagogy at the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB, Romania), he enrolled in a B.A. in literature, language and culture (French and Portuguese) at the University of Lisbon. Currently, he is doing a PhD in history at the University NOVA of Lisbon. During the study years at the UBB, he was member of the university’s decisional forum, representing the students from the Faculty of Letters. In 2015, he did an internship in translation at the European Commission (Belgium), where he was named the spokesperson of the trainees from the Directorate-General for Translation in Brussels. Later in the same year, he was selected as junior researcher for a two year research grant at the Faculty of Letters (UBB, Romania) that focused on “verbal violence as space of social identity affirmation: representation in everyday language and literary discourse based on a bilingual corpus”. In the last couple of years, he participated in several study and research programs at the University of Porto, the University of Lisbon and the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 (France).



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