Martinha Correia Martins





Affiliated Researcher



Research Group

Social, Economic, and Political Dynamics





Ciência ID



 Martinha de Fátima Correia Martins is from the island of Terceira, Azores – Portugal. She has a degree in Philosophy and Portuguese Culture (2013) from the University of the Azores and a Master's degree in Social Sciences (2016), obtained with the dissertation entitled “Institutional Reception of teenage mothers on Terceira Island: understanding, practices and structures”, from the same university and under guidance of Professor Doctor Licínio Tomás.


She is in the 3rd year of the international doctorate in Atlantic Islands: History, Heritage and Legal-Institutional Framework, in the line of research in History and Social Dynamics, and is preparing her thesis with the theme “Whaling in the Azores. The cases of the islands of Terceira, Graciosa and S. Jorge. End of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century”, under the guidance of Professor Susana Serpa Silva. She is complementing her research by attending the Postgraduate Course in Heritage, Management and Participation at University Nova of Lisbon, academic year 2023/2024.


Throughout her academic career she has given several conferences and lectures related to the theme of the thesis, having collaborated with the newspaper Diário Insular and participated in television programs of a scientific and cultural nature.



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