Meeting 25.10.2023 to 28.10.2023
13th Meeting of the BRASPOR Network
Cascais The coastline as a space of interface and identity: interdisciplinary contributions from blue humanities


Meeting of the BRASPOR Network Cascais: The coastline as a space of interface and identity: interdisciplinary contributions from blue humanities


The coastline is a space of interface, contact and fluidity, of contradiction and paradox, where over time, there has been either an approach or distancing between human populations, between ecosystems and terrestrial and marine space. The coastal zone, as an entity, is in itself a geographic, ecological and cultural reality. Here, the most-than-human temporal existences blend and are created. To address scientific issues related to the coastline, locally or globally, in short or long chronology, increasingly truly interdisciplinary approaches are needed. This integration and cross-disciplinarity require the connection and communication between natural, exact, social and human sciences, and from this perspective, environmental humanities or for oceans and coasts, are fundamental. John Gillis has long drawn attention to the value of blue humanities and more recently, Steve Mentz and other scholars reflect on the historicity and cultural contextualization of aquatic realities and spaces and realities that converge with them.


In this sense, the 2023 meeting of the BRASPOR Network aims to continue promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge that focuses on the Atlantic coastal systems, notably through the promotion of interdisciplinary integration of data and methods and the evaluation of the level of risks (physical, ecological, geological, chemical, socio-economic-cultural), encouraging the expansion of scientific production and the production of didactic contents that can be disseminated.


Deadline extension and new participation modalities in the next BRASPOR meeting. New deadline: 15.06.2023.

Form for submitting abstracts and registration, see here.


Organizing Committee

Ana Catarina Garcia (CHAM)
Joana Baço  (CHAM)
Brígida Baptista  (CHAM)
Mariana Boscariol (CHAM)
Jorge Freire (Câmara Municipal de Cascais e CHAM)





Câmara Municipal de Cascais


Poster (.pdf)
