VII International Congress15.05.2024 to 18.05.2024
Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania(SECAH)
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa and Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Ceramics in the maritime port complexes of the Iberian Peninsula: 4th century BC to 8th century AD


14 years after the foundation of the Society for Studies of Ancient Ceramics in Hispania (SECAH), we propose to organize its main biennial event in Lisbon, following a first edition held in Portuguese territory in Braga in 2013. This gathering also takes place two years after the VI Congress, organized in Zaragoza and dedicated to the theme "River courses in Hispania, ceramic trade routes."

The 2024 edition aims to be thematically complementary, giving priority to studies focused on maritime and lower river port areas, as well as their dependent consumption centers, in short, medium, and long distances. The location of Lisbon and the ancient city of Olisipo, on the western Atlantic coast of Hispania, also invokes the centrality of discussing the relations between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, from the end of the Iron Age and the early commercial flows of Italic nature during the Republican Period, through the intense Imperial Period, and reaching the continuities and disruptions of the Late Antiquity Suebic and Visigothic periods in the Iberian Peninsula.

The scientific developments that have taken place in the last half-century in Spanish and Portuguese Archaeology have also demonstrated the centrality of the peninsular Atlantic coast throughout all these periods, as a consuming area of Mediterranean goods, a transitional area for Mediterranean trade routes reaching Britannia or Germania (as well as the reverse routes), but also as an exporting area.

Studies on material culture, both commercial and typological, now rely heavily on the Atlantic region as an important source of statistical and stratigraphic data. This was, in fact, the central focus of the SECAH International Colloquium, "Ancient Ceramics in Hispania (2nd to 7th centuries AD): Stratigraphic contexts between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean," which was originally scheduled to take place at NOVA FCSH in 2020 but did not materialize due to the pandemic situation, and will undoubtedly shape many of the interventions to take place in 2024.



Organizing Committeer

Carlos Fabião (UNIARQ)

José Carlos Quaresma (CHAM)

Catarina Viegas (UNIARQ

Elisa de Sousa (UNIARQ)





More information:


Call for papers - port (.pdf)

Call for papers - esp (.pdf)

Registration (.doc)