CHAM TALKS26.01.2024
"Brief Introduction to...": Marine Litter in the Modern Era, by Ana Catarina Garcia


"Brief Introduction to...": Marine Litter in the Modern Era


What is meant by marine litter in periods prior to industrialization? How can we analyze levels of marine toxicity for that time? What were the main factors contributing to marine litter then? In what ways could everyday practices be harmful to the environment and people? Why analyze the governance of port spaces when seeking to understand this issue? Archaeologist Ana Catarina Garcia answers all these questions.

Ana Catarina Garcia holds a Ph.D. in History and a master's degree in Insular and Atlantic History. She is an postdoctoral researcher  at CHAM. She is also a researcher for the ERC project "Synergy Grant 4-OCEANS (2021-2027), Human History of Marine Life Extraction, Knowledge, Drivers, and Consumption of Marine resources." Additionally, she is part of the CONCHA project, "The construction of early modern global Cities and oceanic networks in the Atlantic," and the H-WHALE project, "A chronology of change: a Heritage network of historical WHALing in Europe." In the near future, she will join the project "TRASH-Human waste and marine debris during the first globalization," as part of the FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus Contest.


The interview is conducted by Isabel Araújo Branco.



Isabel Araújo Branco (CHAM)

