EDGES. Entangling Indigenous Knowledges in Universities



Code   .   101130077
Start   .   2024
Duration   .   48 months
Principal Investigator   .   Pablo Ibáñez Bonillo 





Funding Entity

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Main Research Unit

CHAM – Centre for the Humanities

Coordenator Institution

Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Univerité Paris Nanterre

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Philippes Universität Marburg

Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade de Lisboa

Helsingin Yliopisto

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Intermedia Producciones SL

Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, sede Quito

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Universidad de los Andes

Universidad de Chile

University at Buffalo

Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Universidade Federal do Pará

Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social

University of St Andrews



Indigenous knowledges are crucial for coping with current global crises, such as climate change, the loss of biocultural diversity and the rise of xenophobic nationalisms. This pivotal historical moment requires multi-centred thinking and action, and to bring together the various kinds of Indigenous and academic expertise. Universities are critically important in developing knowledge, education, and policy directives. 

While there have been efforts to foster dialogue with Indigenous knowledges, these experiences remain elusive, local and not structurally transformative, as the shortcomings of multiculturalism and interculturality have demonstrated. How can we question the existing frameworks and develop new and effective entanglements of knowledges that draw from different epistemologies?




EDGES addresses this question through six different analytical layers with the significant participation of Indigenous academic researchers and the active collaboration of Indigenous intellectuals and experts. To accomplish this endeavour, EDGES creates a future sustainable and disciplinary diverse network of more than 150 researchers from 18 European and American universities, and one SME. The project contributes to a pluralist and multi-scale approach to knowledge production, research and dissemination through symposiums, workshops, mini-courses, open-access scientific publications, policy recommendations and social media. It will provide critical tools for universities, schools and communities to foster critical dialogue with Indigenous peoples and other cultural minorities by entangling Indigenous knowledges into university curricula and praxis, contributing to the education of future generations, improving policies and science renewal.






Pablo Ibáñez Bonillo . Principal Investigator

Rodrigo Lacerda (CRIA/NOVA FSCH) . Coordenator

Camila Ferreira Marinelli (University of St Andrews) . Coordenator


António Granado (ICNOVA/NOVA FCSH))

Carla Nave (NOVA FCSH)

Felipe Oliveira (CHAM)

Isabel Gomes de Almeida (CHAM)

Isabel Araújo Branco (CHAM)

Mariana Boscariol (CHAM)

Mariana Meneses M. (CHAM)

Pablo Sánchez Leon (CHAM)

Paulo Nuno Vicente (iNOVA Media Lab)

Pedro Cardim (CHAM)