International Conference 24.04.2018 to 25.05.2018
«Alcácer Quibir: margens e contra-margens»
09:30 | Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo

Free admission subject to prior registration until May 21 2018 email:

Programme now available here



This conference is the consequence of several research projects, some already under development, while others submitted to application. After working over the theme of sixteenth century warfare, having established several contacts with other researchers from various investigation centers, the resulting scientific exchanges has shown that this theme still has enormous potential for multidisciplinary development. The understanding of the political and cultural fractures that occurred during the sixteenth century Mediterranean geography is crucial to understand many contemporary events that are taking place within this region.

The colloquium pursues two objectives:

Establish a state-of-art for the study of the War in European/North African frontier, within a wide-range of themes that are closely interconnected: from the strict military perspective to a cultural point of view that includes everyday’s life products to the writing and musical environment.


The construction of a research network for developing future joint projects with other investigation centers and individual researchers: publication of material (articles, availability of sources) and research (exploratory project for applying for European funds).



Organization Committee

 Ana Paula Avelar (CHAM)
 Edite Alberto (CHAM)
 Luís Costa Sousa (CHAM)
 Rui Manuel Loureiro (CHAM)

Scientific Committee

 Ana Paula Avelar (CHAM)
 Edite Alberto (CHAM)
 Luís Costa Sousa (CHAM)
 Maria Augusta Lima Cruz (CHAM)
 Rui Manuel Loureiro (CHAM)






Book of abstracts(.pdf)

For more information(Web)