Luís Krus Centre – Lifelong Learning





Cursos de Ano Novo (CAN) — NOVA FCSH

Find out about the courses offered by CHAM researchers.


The Bible and Its Origins: Narratives and Myths
Francisco Caramelo


Arts and Literatures in Decolonizations: Theories and Practices
Noemi Alfieri


Creation of Digital Content for Teaching Portuguese as a First Language and as a Second Language
Ana Maria Martinho Gale
Susete Albino


Contemporary Myths: Literatures, Arts, and Cultures
Isabel Araújo Branco


Women and Social Processes in Contemporary Iberian Literatures
Isabel Araújo Branco


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Cursos de Longa Duração — NOVA FCSH

Find out about the courses offered by CHAM researchers for the 2023/2024 academic year.


Epicurus, Epicureanism, and the Epicurean Tradition

Leonor Santa Bárbara (docente responsável)

João Pereira de Matos


Introduction to Aesthetics

João Luís Lisboa (docente responsável)

Fabio Tononi 


Introduction to Metaphysics

João Luís Lisboa (docente responsável)

Fabio Tononi 


Cape Verdean Literature

Hilarino Carlos Rodrigues da Luz 


Women's Literature and Literary Resistances

Margarida Rendeiro (docente responsável)

Federica Lupati 



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